...A free PHP script, converts RSS feeds to HTML. The rss2html.php script allows webmasters to display RSS feeds on their website. RSS or Really Simple Syndication, as it is commonly known, is a technology that gives webmasters the ability to to easily distribute and publish syndicated content on the Internet. Most webmasters understand the potential benefits of making RSS feeds available for viewing in a web browser. FeedForAll's new rss2html.php script allow...
...This is a php script that can be used to generate oppening and closing animations in form of spritesheet by just specifiying two images, bottom and top image of a card. Change your settings in script.php. ...
...ExeOutput for PHP is a Visual and Full-Featured PHP To EXE Compiler: it lets you create stand-alone Windows applications and software from PHP script...
...----Defined in the PHP Script:# load id3 class and mp3 file define('NEA_MP3_ID3', true); # class namerequire_once("http://www.codegrape.com/php/nea.id3.php"); # class file $id3 = new id3("./neawolf-records.mp3"); # mp3 file Defined in the PHP script to ou...