...The course consists of Hacking Stimulators, Hacking games more than 25 Hacking tools including Sniffers, Keyloggers, S-Tools to provide you with hands on practice. 40 Live Hacking Videos...
...or Led Videos and Live Hacking/ Security Demonstrations, 30 Security / Hacking Tools including Anti Virus, Anti Spyware, Anti - Spam Tools. Teaches you to How hackers ...
...Usmania KMap Minimizer v1.0 lets you minimize any KMap having variables from 2 to 25, by using famous Quine-McCluskey technique. By using Usmania KMap Minimizer v1.0...
...Lottery-Trac v1.2 turns your desktop computer into a complete, full-function, professional lottery game terminal processor. Lottery-Trac v1.2 is th...